Who We Are &
What We Do
Our Meetings:
7 PM Third Tuesday of each month except April
Our Mission:
To collect, preserve, and disseminate historical knowledge about the City of St. Anthony Village, Minnesota.
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to preserving and sharing the history of St. Anthony Village, Minnesota.
All volunteer with the assistance of short-term contracted staff for specific projects.
Produce and sell historical books about St Anthony Village and its residents.
Collect, develop and share community stories and photos, video documentaries.
and maintain and build our archive.
Our funding comes entirely from Memberships, Donations and Grants.
Organizational History
First organized in August 1988 as the St. Anthony Historical Committee by the St. Anthony City Council.
Incorporated in December 1991, then became inactive.
Reactivated in October 2006.
Current Board of Trustees
Robert Manske, President
Michael Volna, Vice President
Mary Pucel, Secretary
Dale Gunderson, Treasurer
Bill Sauer
Keith Pearson
Melba Hensel
Barry Kinsey