Current Projects and Priorities
We are currently seeking a volunteer with an interest in the history of St. Anthony Village to serve as the president of the Society.
Our Priorities - What we’re doing and Our Volunteer Needs.
Enhanced Digital Presence
We are committed to new ways of researching, creating and sharing our stories though video, pictures and text via a new website, new YouTube channel and enhanced use of social media like Facebook.
Current Status:
Facebook, Website and YouTube channel are developed and operational. Documentary videos have been created and a list of future videos is waiting to be done. Story ideas continually arise from our current books, archives and from our interested readers and members.
Volunteer Needs
Our needs: Persons with digital skills, including interest and ability to assist in website maintenance, Facebook site maintenance, and video creation and maintenance and interest in or fluency with a variety of social media platforms.
Your needs: Time, energy, and interest in working on our digital platforms.
Archiving and Preservation of Artifacts
Complete an inventory of physical and digital artifacts. Assess and improve our storage space and control. Make improvements.
Current Status
Current storeroom at City Hall is a shared space that is open to frequent foot traffic. A committee has been established and has begun researching resources and potential new sites being sought. A Legacy grant is in planning to purchase necessary resources and assistance.
Volunteer needs
Our Needs Persons who are detail-oriented, thorough, methodical, and can work within a structured approach to cataloging materials. Very helpful would be experience as a librarian, historian, or museum archivist; and/or experience using databases for cataloging collections and materials.
Your Needs: Time, energy, and interest in working in the most important part of preserving our past.
Marketing and Communication
Work as a committee to design a program of our existing efforts and potential additions to extend the reach of our organization and means to share our information and resources with persons and partners in our mission.
Current Status
A committee has been formed and has identified a potential project in collaboration with the Sister City Association to create an enhanced display installation in the SAV Community Center.
Volunteer Needs
Our Needs: Writing skills. Very helpful would be marketing skills using a variety of media, including email, web, Facebook, and social media; digital skills, including work on website maintenance or design, Facebook site maintenance, and fluency with a variety of social media platforms.
Your Needs: Time, energy, and interest in working on marketing and communications activities.