Motorcycle Accident Cannot Stop Wedding

This 75th Anniversary Memory is from the Minneapolis Newspaper Photograph Collection of the Hennepin County Library.

Bride, Lucille Jackson of Wilson Street NE, St Anthony, stands in her wedding gown at Ancker Hospital in St. Paul next to groom, Samuel Higgins of Dupont Avenue S, Minneapolis, as he lies in bed recovering from a fractured femur and abrasions received in a motorcycle accident at Highway 8 and County Road E on Wednesday. The couple were engaged last Christmas and planned their wedding for Saturday, May 17th. Despite his injuries, he insisted the wedding go on as planned, and the hospital served as the venue. The Maid of Honor, Aleda Sundeen (not pictured) and Best Man, Fred Loxtercamp (not pictured) attended in the recovery room. Music was furnished by hospital employees.


Richard “Rick” Sorenson